Good amp for B&W 804S for the space-constrained

Good morning folks. I've recently purchased a pair of B&W 804S speakers and need to upgrade my electronics (Denon AV Receiver) to get the most of their sound. Unfortunately the shelves I can use are somewhat shallow. Thus, I'm looking for a solid amplification system that will fit in, let's say no more than 16" including space for the interconnects. Not an easy task, unfortunately. Some ideas I've had (and even demo'd to some extent):

Naim NAIT XS (or maybe even SuperNAIT)
Simaudio Moon i3.3
Rotel RB1552 + pre?

Anything else I should be looking at? Has anyone had experience with any of these in combination with B&W 804S?
Thanks for the suggestions. Will see if I can find a dealer. Someone I work with mentioned the Exposure 2010S. I've since done some reading and it seems this is a popular unit. Wondering how it may fare with the 804S and how it compares to Nait XS or Simaudio i3.3.
I'm also using the Wyred4sound class D amps on a pair of 802D's... no thoughts of changing. You need 300-500 hours for the amps to be at their best. I am bi-amping the speakers, 250's and 500's. All the current B&W's need.
Ended up going with the Exposure 3010S - had heard about the company from a co-worker. Got a good deal on this model and am very happy with it, for less than half the cost of Simaudio (which I'm sure I would really have loved). Haven't had the volume past the 1/4 mark, so no concern about power.