Avalon Eidolon Diamond price

Anyone care to offer me an opinion on what a pair of Eidolon Diamonds in excellent condition with a premium Myrtle Burl finish is going for on the used Agon market these days?


Why not save yourself the trouble of agonizing over the price, or haggling with tire kickers? Here's an opportunity to donate them to a worthy cause.

Seriously; great choice of speakers. I've listened to the Indras extensively lately at my friend's place. It must be difficult to give those up. Hope the replacements are worthy. I've seen the Diamonds list here for $16-22K on the used market. Lately it's been on the lower end, but they've always come up pretty rarely for understandable reasons. Good luck!
Jax2, thanks for your thoughts. The replacement will likely be a pair of Avalon ISIS. I am not listing my Diamonds at the moment, but responding to a wanted to buy ad. Thanks again. John.
You could pay the fee and see the audiogon bluebook. I renew that every year. The only thing, I don't know if people are not reporting all the sales or what but AG's bluebook leans to the high side of what the products are selling for these days.
I have found the bluebook to be off by multiples of what it says. There is an algorithm for 'older' equipment which means things are way off unless there are lots of sales through Agon's system. For old things with few sales (if any) through the system, it is almost useless.