What is a good bookshelf

I own PSB Mini Stratus speakers. I want to upgrade to a bookshelf that has more space and more midrange with a sparkling upper end.

These speakers are great only lack in midbass and upper end.

Any ideas? I am willing to pay up to $2k for it.

Yeah they are deff off. Listening to Donald Fagen's Kamakiriad and you can hear the highs are not smoot like before. They sound harsh now. The snare drum isn't snappy sounding anymore as well. Possible crossover the cause in such case? Like I mentioned before the soundstage sounds nice and wide and deep. Just not smooth as they sounded when i first bought them.

I am taking them to a hifi shop I been have going to lately, to have him hear. I most likely will buy new speakers.
The little PSBs have always sounded pretty neutral to me. If you're looking for "sparkle" up high and "punch" in the mid-bass, it might come at some cost in neutrality. The original Red Rose Ribbon Monitor (the original version had the ribbon tweeter extening above the front baffle) would be be a great example of this trade-off.

Good Luck

Krell Resolution 3. The Resolution series is no longer made, you probably can pick up a used pair for $2k. They originally listed for $4,000, and went up to $5,000 by the time they went out of production. I have lived happily with mine for four years. The 8" midbass driver gives an added weight to the sound that most standmounted speakers in this price range don't have. And the Vifa ring radiator tweeter is very good.
Link to review. http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/krell/res3.html
You should really listen to some time/phase coherent speakers, particularly Green Mountain. I have listened to and owned a variety of bookshelf speakers but have found nothing to compare to GMA's - In your budget range you could pick up some Calistos.