Wilson Watt Puppy 6 or Sophia 2 ?

Can anyone with some extensive ownership or audition experience please give me their feedback on which pair might be better. I have a choice of either for similar amounts. Currently have Revel Studios. I love them, but am looking for better sound in a smaller enclosure. Please let me know your thoughts.
If you want "better"... well, I think the Sophia 2 is better than the W-W 6.
HOWEVER, IMO, neither of the above is demonstrably better than your Revels. You might gain some mid-bass boost with the Sophia, but you'll lose some more phase integrity...
I.e., respectfully, why not sit back & play with what you already have -- or consider other choices, *different* rather than "better"; stand-mounted Sonus Faber perhaps?
Give us some more info

Sonus Faber? Talk about straying into another galaxy in recommendations... Why not Martin Logans, Quads! Don't buy apples, you'll prefer oranges... Gotta love the Gon and its variety of interjected opinion.

Saying that "neither of the above is demonstrably better than your Revels" is like saying " A pair of CJ's are not demonstrably better than the Halcro's you own." Completely different amps, and people have preferences that will automatically make one type better--for them. This is true to an even greater degree with speakers.

The Sophia 2 is a far more coherent and integrated sounding speaker than the W6, which may have a small edge in immediacy or dynamic contrast but noticeable, unavoidable shortcomings in driver integration, coherence, upper bass forwardness and a comparatively untamed lower treble. Based on my experiences owning Sophias, Watt 7's and Maxx 2's you are better off going with the Sophia 2's.

When I bought the original Sophias, I did so after comparing them directly to the W6 and preferred the original Sophias significantly.

The Wilson line has improved a great deal in the past few years. I could never have lived with the WP 5.1 or 6. The Sophias were a departure in a new direction and the line has steadily improved from there. I am patiently awaiting delivery of a set of Maxx 3's.