If I like Dynaudio monitors, I would LOVE?????

I am a Dynaudio addict on both the audiophile and pro audio aspects. I love the neutrality and cant get enough of the bass that there monitors put out. So, I have had the 1.3MKII, S1.4, 1.3SE, 140's etc.... I start to wonder if there is something else out there that I should try. Is there any other speaker maker that utilizes the esotar tweeter? Is there something that gives a better picture than what I am hearing but in the same genre as dynaudio? I was thinking Usher and Focal, but sad to say no one is around to demo them. Thanks for any input!
I listened for a while to the C1's at the last NY HE show
and found them somewhat "fuzzy" for lack of a better word.
I felt they were being pushed too hard and sounded like they were really straining, not effortless at all, even though the volume was only moderately loud.
Not sure if it was the room or equipment or what.
That was my only exposure to them.

Keep the speakers and change out the amps to really enjoy Dynaudio potential.

I’ve got the Silverline SR17 v3, which uses the Esotar tweeter and the Dynaudio dirver… I couldn’t be happier with them. I find them to be very revealing without giving up the “toe tapping” musical factor that Silverline is known for. My SR17’s are paired with a SS amp from McIntosh; the MC352.

I’m also very very happy with my Special 25’s. These are paired also with a McIntosh amp… this time the MC402.

So if you love the Dynaudio house sound keep them! And feed them lots of clean power, even at low volumes they need that little something extra.