Does anyone own the new AV123 Focus LS speakers?

I'm not sure if these are inproduction yet, but I read a 'pre-view' review of the LS8? and am very intriqued.

Anyone actually own a pair and/or have heard these?

These are not shipping yet. I'm on the pre-order list, so I'll be among the first to get a production pair. They will be competing against my new Merlin VSM MXe's. Only one will stay.
That will be a tough order to be sure. Yes, please get back to us with your impressions (or better yet a review!) when you get an opportunity. Will be interesting as you are going to a completely different type of reproduction (line source vs. point source).
I have a custom made pair of the LS9, check my system for pics and I had the prototype LS6 for over a year. Let me know what I can share with you about either.
Aurthursmuck -- how do they sound?? What speakers did they replace and what speakers have you owned in the past?