How critical is placement for Vandy 2 ce Sig. ?

I'm looking to replace my B&W 703's and am considering Vandersteen 2ce Signature. I don't have much flexibility in terms of location. According to the Stereophile review, the Vandy's must be biwired and need at least 5 feet clearance from back wall. I have only about three feet and don't know it this will be a problem. Anyone know about either of these issues? Thanks!
Find a dealer.
Listen for yourself (3f from the wall).
Do not be pushed around.
If you can not find a dealer......:
36inches isn't a disaster.
Experiment with the toe-in.
How is the WAF(Wife Acceptance Factor)?
Are the room acoustic treatments like absorbers or diffusers possible to incorporate into the rooms' decor?
Not all treatments are butt ugly & can be
very, very helpful and sometimes crucial to achieve desire results.
Just my 2c.
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Thanks for all your responses. I need to have my room analyzed first. I will also check out the Vandersteen website FAQ section and see if the local dealer will allow me to demo a paiur at home. Frankly, I've never found llistening to speakers at a dealer all that helpful.