Wilson Maxx2 or Aerial 20T

Understanding they are at a different price point I'd like everyones thoughts of the merits of each. Thanks for your help. Currently have 20Ts but am thinking of moving to Wilson Maxx2.
If I had a big room, and a Maxx2, I would never go to this site again. I swear
I also have Aerial 20t's and a pair of SW-12's. I have the crossover set to 40 Hz.
I hope you use the speaker level input (DIN plug). The sound improved a lot in my system when I did this and connected them up directly to my amps instead of using interconnects from my preamp.


Sorry goofy and missed your comments regarding the problem. As far as the bottom end, this is a complex issue that can relate to many things, including room acoustics - probably the biggest issue, speakers, amps etc. I have heard the aerial and thought the bass very good. Wilsons bass needs little comment but can be amp dependent - their impedance does vary greatly as I understand. I have a friend with maxxs who fixed the issue with amps, having exhausted the other areas. The vertical dispersion could relate to ribbon type, some ribbons are less bothered by this than others. I use piegas which have a very different ribbon but have a wonderful vertical dispersion in my opinion. Anyway again sorry I missed the other bit
Thanks for the input. I'm running MF KW Monoblocks with a KWP preamp. Clean controlled power is not a problem. I have a odd room actually 4 interconnected rooms with the main living room having a 25 foot ceiling. Think of several rooms rooms which are probably 15 x 20 extending off a 25 x 20 x 25 room. Lots of air to move with only one anchored corner where one 20T and SW-12 sit.
I have owned Wilsons, not the Maxx2 and have Aerial center channel with nice system....but have heard the ones you are considering....I'd stick with the 20T....and if you a "bass shy" I would suspect a room setup/acoustic treatment issue...helped by room and system...just a thought
