The planets have aligned

I have owned dozens of speakers, subs, amps....and after if feels a lifetime of wondering through the maze of audio gear...I have finally found what works for me. I find myself listening more now to music and watching TV less. The combination of the C&C Abbys and a REL B3 sub is truly magical. Granted I do not listen to heavy rock but for Sarah Vaughn, Dean Martin, The Ames Brothers, Miles Davis......they all LIVE in my den every night. This is also the first time I can listen to music and not have to crank the volume to appreciate the sound. This is the first time I am actually satisfied with what I have. Just wanted to share my excitement. Good listening to all.
Bbro and Timrhu ....I have updated my system list. Just click on "system" by my name. I am sold on Almarro amps...all hand made, point to point wiring, no PC boards. It will be a keeper. The Abbys really like this amp. Will have to take photos and post soon.

I am loving this!
Also I would like to add that this combination plays MY kind of music very well. I don't want to mislead anyone in thinking this combination is for any kind of music. If you like intimate, relaxing jazz or lounge music its fantastic. Not so for heavy rock ( I don't listen to ) or very large orchestras. I do play light rock ( Bread, America, Chicago, Hall and Oats ) sounds great.
Wow, so you're Abbys like your Almarro? That's good to know, I'll keep that in mind!