Amp & CD for Tyler Acoustic Lynbrook System 2

Just picked up a pair of gently used System 2s - listen to smooth jazz and presently drive them with a Portal Panche SS 100wpc intregrated, Arcam CD 72 hooked to Musical Fidelity tube buffer and associated power supply. Like what I have but curious what others may be driving Tylers with.

Thanks - Frank
Coda is the brand I have found meshed best with my Tylers for amplification. Couple that with a nice quality CD player like a Consonance Droplet (or even their lower line CD players like the CD-120 I use) and the fit is quite nice, IMO.

Thanks Dave, I have familiarity with Consonance on the amp side - have a B2000x driving a second system - going to try that after a while as well to see how it meshes versus the Panche - any particular Coda model amp?

Their Class A amps are best, but all of them mate well with Tylers. Even their amps manufactured for Legacy Audio work well (and can be had for a lot less money). The Legacy amps are really Coda Continuum amps biased for Legacy speakers.
