ESS speakers synergise with valves?

I recently bought a pair of old ESS PS5C speakers.These use a small Heil Ribbon,a ten inch mid woofer and a rear mounted ten inch passive radiator.
I started out using some of my SS amps amps with these and whilst I could hear that they were doing some things really well,felt that a hollow and slightly coarse midrange detracted from their overall sound.They had a typical 'west coast" sound,although infinitely better sounding than their JBL contemporaries.
To combat this I doped the woofer with liquid silicone.This is often a subtle but very effective way of reducing paper cone colourations.
The next day I changed amps to 23 watt EL34 Trimax monoblocks,never really expecting them to drive them properly.But was I ever wrong!
The sound from this combination is simply amazing.These are now incredibly neutral sounding speakers,with fantastic bass,clarity and imaging.
Anybody who has been using valve amps for a while comes to know that they very rarely achieve their potential with mainstream speakers.So when we discover one that is the exception to the rule we need to announce it.These ESS may not to be to everyones liking-they are quite analytical,but on balance I think they are still a real find for tube lovers.With a 300b SET amp they could really be something.
Just to confirm the ease of driving I have also run them with a Tripath 10 watt class T amp.Not as good as the valves but still drives them quite loud before clipping and sounds better than SS.

Has anyone else discovered these?
ATTN: LISSNR - - Yes!! As you read above, I just rebuilt my ESS Tempest LS-5's with two new 10" woofers and two new 10" passive radiators... I was chatting with Eric from Orange County Speaker (and repair) Inc. and I asked him what woofer would best replace and be most compatible with the existing ESS enclosure and passive radiator system...he gave me a link within the Orange County Speaker website and he said they carry, without a doubt, the best match woofer that complies with the Vintage ESS woofer. These have a paper cone, foam surround, 8 ohm, 2 inch voice coil, 175 watts RMS and a frequency response of 23hz - 3.5khz...and from what I can tell they even look like the original ESS Tempest Woofers...the brand name of these are Eminence for a well worth cost of $69.95 each. The website for Orange County Speaker is: and the keyword is 10 inch Eminence 1040SF Woofer... Ok, there's that info, now onto woofer surround (foam) repair kits and replacement passive radiators...Orange County Speaker also sells those as well. Hope this helps Lissnr... Let me know! And yes, mine now also, finally have--"Sound As Clear As Light" -dave
Thanks Dave, I've now put that site on my favorites list and I'll be picking up those woofers soon. I may have to call to speak with them about the passive radiators though. Thanks for the insight!
No Problem!...Didn't the PS-8a's have 8inch woofers? I cant remember...If so, I hope OCS also has the Eminense woofers in that size as well...What kind (disk or cone) and size of Passive Radiators do your ESS's have and what concerns have you come across with them? Hey, just for kicks, check this site out...just scroll down until you come across the PS-8a'S...Good luck on reading any of it though...p.s. Are ESS's being manufactured in Germany or something?? Here's the link:
Best Regards, --dave
Hi Dave, Yes, Mine are the 8" woofers and they do have the Eminense woofers in that size. My passive radiators are 10" across (only about 8" or so of actual driver size). My only concern with them was whether the surrounds are drying out at all or something but I know they've been replaced sometime ago so I'll leave them as they are when I get the new woofers and see how they do.I don't know if ESS are being made anywhere or not? Germany you think? Interesting. BTW I appreciated your visit to my system and wrote you back there. I'm going to check out that above link. Thanks Dave. Grant
Yes Dave, The 8" Eminense woofers are on that OCS site, the 10" passive radiators I'm going to leave "as is" for now because I had replaced those previously (Only concern was whether the surrounds/edges were deteriorating or not, but they seem OK). That link does bring you to ESS's avail. in Germany or wherever that is,it looks like?! The specs are the same as mine (6 ohm, and efficiency, etc, I believe), but the Heil Air Motion Transformers are mounted vertically on mine, not horizontally, and the cabinets are taller in the new ones. Very interesting!