Line Magnetic quiet are they?

I have had numerous tube amps/integrateds over the years that made various levels of noise, ranging from dead quiet to significant buz/hum that can be heard several feet away in the listening chair. I'd like to know how Line Magnetic owners would rate their's. I'm talking about any hum/noise coming from the amp itself, and I'm particularly interested in the 518.
The LM 518IA is dead quiet and absolutely no noise from the speakers. One of the quietest amps I've ever owned. Transformers are silent too. Mine is new and still breaking in but very very nice indeed with an incredible balance across the spectrum.
Old thread but I am very interested in getting a Line Magnetic 518IA to drive my Sonus Faber Evolutions. Worried whether it will have enough power though.
Ladok, I have owned the LM 211ia (silver series) with Gold Lion output tubes (K77 upgrade) for about a year. The unit is DEAD QUIET and I am very happy with it. I have it paired with Devore Nines, an OPPO 105 and a Well Tempered Simplex TT with a Dynavector 20X2L cartridge. Together the entire system sounds incredible.

I am not ready to change a thing, but if I were to upgrade my integrated amp, I would definitely buy LM again and probably the gold series like you're thinking of purchasing.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your decision
Mrc- What phono stage are you using with the 20X2L. I am getting good results with a Heed Quasar, but am always looking for options (-: