DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
I said I was bailing out, but I feel that it's worthwhile to explain to Boa2.
The 2% figure was purely financial.
Let's be real, not many people, even the audio enthusiasts on Audiogon are in a position to pay $25K for loudspeakers.
It had nothing to do with the speakers ability to work with 2 Watt Amps. Not many will...
The speakers are a benign load, and about 90 db1W1m. for general information.
So really, depending on taste, perhaps a small, though not 2 watt amp could work.
Larry R. Staples
President DK Design/LSA Group
but i really don't care either. as for people bashing a speaker system that might not work with a 2 watt amp, 99% of the speakers made would not work with a 2 watt amp, so what does that mean?

Larry, this was Rbstehno's comment, and I could not find a reference for it. Either I missed the bashing he was talking about, or I guessed that somehow it was misconstrued, beginning with your reference to 2% (NOT to 2 watts). Your comment was crystal clear on the first go-round.
Guys, I wasn't bashing the speakers. I just feel that the reviewer, IMHO, did not really perform due diligence on behalf of the readers of PF. I simply posited a rhetorical question, given the lack of any comparisons with other gear, about whether the speakers could be driven and produce satisfying music with something other than the equipment employed for the review, whether a 2 Wpc tube amp or 125 Wpc ss amp, or anything else for that matter.

Peace to all.
Thanks for pointing out the comment, Mghcanuck. I missed it entirely. It doesn't appear to me that you are bashing anything. You are simply asking for an honest review, with specifics to back up the hyperbole. A fair demand, I would certainly think. For this audio product, or any.

The previous owner of this company may have made some minor marketing mistakes.

Let's give the new guy a break.
That's fair.