Genesis 1.1, Infinity IRS V, 4 chasiss speakers

All 4 chassis and a half foot tall behemoths. Assuming the room is big enough for these speakers, what would be the optimum distance from speaker to listener seating?

How far apart should the two ribbon/tweeter towers be apart?
How far out should the bass towers be from the ribbon towers? How far out from the rear wall should they be?

I have a very large room and I would like an idea on what the configuration would be for optimum listening. I plan to make a complete makeover of my system in 18 months and I'd like to know how much room they would take up for optimum performance. Most of the photos of these speakers that I've seen seem to be in cramped rooms.


Take a look at my system with the Alon EGR IIs. My room is fairly small, 14.5' x 17' with speakers on the long wall, and the sub towers are in the front corners. Rather than use the provided DQ-LP1S crossover, a TacT RCS 2.2X splits the signal to the mains and subs with a DSP crossover and time/phase aligns the separate towers. Also it performs room correction below 200hz. It is a perfect device to use with a 2pc per side system, and I agree wholeheartedly that separate subs and mains are the ticket to ultimate musical reproduction in the home. With this setup there is no need to compromise between bass performance and imaging -- you get the best of both worlds.

Do those Tact Audio S-2150 amps give you enough serious muscle to drive those woofer columns to serious chest thumping bass?

Man, those are some awesome looking speakers!

The answer to your question is not really. The S2150 are definitely not suited to a sub-2ohm load and when I have them driving the sub towers, there is loss of SPL below 30hz. The sub towers drop to 1 ohm at 19hz.

Ideal amp for them is the Crown K2. Massive power and awesome damping factor, plus plenty of power to 2 ohms and below.

I am temporarily back to using the 2150 on the subs because the DAC card, which had been driving the Crown K2, is now being used for a hybrid power amp I am auditioning (Blue Circle BC204) on the main channels. It is a superb amp, and it will probably be hard to go back to the S2150s on the main channels.
Hi all,
As a owner of Genesis 200 since 6 years, I know very well the room set up problems with this beautiful towers. I have experimented with many different combinations of distances to the walls and between towers and panels.On all solutions the biggest problem I had, was the control of bass energy and to fit it with mid's and up's.
Now I have a solution which give the best result I had untill yet and I will share it with you: Use the "Golden Ratio" method of Cardas Audio( for the woofer towers! Depending to your room configuration, there are many diagrams you can use (I had the best solution with Diag. E), but again USE IT FOR THE WOOFERS and take the FACE of the REAR WOOFERS to calculete the distances to the rear and side walls (For Genesis 1.1 the front woofers of course). After placement of the woofers you can go on experimenting with the midrange/tweeter panels. If your room width is big enough you can place them inside between the woofers or otherwise also outside (I have them just outside and 4 inches in front of the woofers).
You will be surprised with the result: The control of the bass and it's integration into the higher frequecies are nearly ideal(the best I had). After all the years, I can hear my "The 4 great Toccatas and Fugues of JSB played by Power Biggs" SACD(Sony-SS87983) again at a volume that I feel I'm in that Cathedral of Freiburg. Before new set up the bass was dangerously heavy and that you couldn't equalize with volume or low pass control of the woofer amp. Try it!