Tube amplifier to power Sonus Faber speakers?

I recently purchased a new pair of Sonus Faber Olympica 3 speakers. They are 90DB and a 4 ohm load. I've always preferred tube amplification and am finding it a challenge to identify a good match for these speakers. I'm not a kt88 fanbut rather 300B or something of that ilk. I tried an 845 based amp but found it edgy and limited in power and dynamics. Any suggestions from Sonus Faber owners is most welcome.
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Interesting...i have always liked SF Homage series with mid-powered tubes and Class A SS. But on the other series, i have found the mid-powered tubes did not seem to be able to bring them to life as well as higher current SS amps. A personal choice.

...if you wish to stick with tubes, i think something quite high current would be the order of the day.

Perhaps try CJ if you wish to keep mellifluous qualities of some tubed equipment, while also having sufficient control/power/current to bring them to life. ARTsa for example?
BTW, i do not have good experience with the 845 amps...but edgy is not a word i would normally have associated with them...unless they are bring driven beyond the range where they are comfortable/linear.

That might be what is happening in that instance? Particularly if you felt it also lacked dynamics/power?
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