Close your eyes and hear the music ?

It seems like music sounds better when I close my eyes. Some people claim that it sounds better with their glasses on. Someone once told me that if someone suggested that music sounded better in the nude that a large group of audiophiles would swear to it! What makes music better for you ?
I have not heard anyone mention yawning. It clears my ears and the music sounds much better.
.....a considerably different take on this; the other day I completed a vigorous workout about mid-afternoon, toweled off and flopped down in front of my warmed up stereo. A great experience, the music was more crisp, clear, warm, and natural than I'd ever heard it.

I've read that exercise enhances hearing, but this was my best experience with this phenomenon-- got to try this some more. But usually I like the relaxing, low lights, late evening ambiance with Shirley Horn, Diana Krall, Holly Cole etc.. Cheers. Craig
So Craig, after a vigorous "workout" you listen to music. Shoot, I had it backwards all this time. Kinda changes the definition of eternity to a man.
Craig, I've had the exact opposite happen. I used to workout for 1 1/2 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week when I was thinking of entering a bodybuilding contest. I'd push myself extremely hard each workout. Afterwards my hearing was almost similar to being exposed to loud levels for a fair amount of time. Everything seemed compressed, highs sounded rolled off, etc. I couldn't enjoy music until a couple of hours later after my body had wound down.
Yes i agre with most everyone...eyes closed and i like it dark. I can just sit back and enjoy the music ....although i do get sleepy :-D But if i have my eyes open i am thinking about how i can better my sound. isint that what audiophiles do? But anyway yea dark and eyes closed with a cold drink (coke) in hand and your favorite cd. thats what i like !!