Stereophile's refusal to review more low

I have read countless letters to the editor pleading for more reviews of real world priced equipment. So far they have not responded in any meaningfull way. I wonder why they continue to run these letters if they are so focused on the mega buck stuff. What do you think ?
Thanks Rcprince: I did not make it to the newstand (I hit the Valley thrift stores instead and had a Tommy Burger) while waiting for my wife. Found a Sheffield CD "Steps" by Pat Coil for a buck. I guess that's where my priorities were today (good cheap music and a greasy chili burger that I will be tasting for days:-).
Stereophile at times has pissed me off and I agree with the comment on AV gear. I wrote them a letter in regard to this and to there credit they published my letter in the May issue The same old Shame. The recommended list does need revising and other manufactures deserve reviews, but for the subsctiption price you cant beat it. I enjoy reading ultra high end reviews and would like to here these peices has well.TAS is also a good mag. Without these two publications what would we find to rag about, eachother more here on audiogon,,there,s enough of that already.s
Credo for Michael Fremer for his thread.
Stereophile is self-indulgent and inferior to The Absolute Sound. I have subscriptions to both. TAS has "the landing" class in every issue....bargain basement $3000 pre-amps,etc. Stereophile wastes precious space on $75,000 turntables.....a product that 23 individuals buy nationwide each year. I don't buy the "I like to read about Ferrari's" argument..... Car mags, like TAS, do review the best of the best for entertainment (and enlightenment for the lucky few), but UNLIKE STEREOPHILE would NEVER consider an issue devoid of comparisons and reviews of excellent, mid-priced vehicles. The "best of" issue is ONLY THE BEST OF WHAT THEY'VE REVIEwed that year, so take it with a large grain of salt.
Remember the days when Stereophile and TAS would fire pot-shots at each other almost every issue? Can you almost hear the whining little voices when you read the enraged "cancel my subscription" letters in Stereophile? Where else can you find so much indignation, outrage, blatant insults, not to mention pissing contests? (excluding Audiogon Forums of course) I find these letters very entertaining, no matter what my opinion of the mag itself. What is it that these people want? Its just a magazine!!!
Well Blkadr, I don't know if you read this entire forum, but I think it's pretty clear what "these people" want. Only time will tell if Stereophile will continue to be successful.