What about a product can irritate you?

What about a product can irritate you, other than the sound?

I thought of this today while attemting to install a new pair of cables. The cables came out of the package in the shape of a Slinky and no amount of bending them, shaping them, stretching them or otherwise trying to reshape them would do any good... they are permanently shaped like a big telephone cord.

I find cables that aren't installation-friendly to be incredibly irritating.

Do you have a pet peeve?

Mezmo, yeah five seconds is damn quick. I'm somewhere between five and ten, because I'm always careful not to break anything when unhinging the lid. It's much better than picking at a plastic scab for 30 seconds, heheh.

Good luck with it Ray! Just go slow when unhinging the lid. I cracked a few when I first started experimenting.

I followed Tvad's link to the EZ Opener. For a buck fifty, that's something worth having around.

I agree with George. I used to have a Cardas Golden Cross IC that was one tough sumbitch to remove from the jacks. Especially if I only had SIDE-RACK-ACCESS! At that angle I was only using finger power.

My other pet peeve besides "tight terminators" is overly stiff and fat interconnects and power cords. I remember a few years ago, one of them fat cables was practically balancing my Bel Canto DAC1.1 in the air like a brick at the end of a fat pipe cleaner!

Working with skinny cables like the Audience AU24 or Kimber Illuminations D60 is great. They're so flexible you could probably tie them in a knot in your mouth with using only your tongue just like young chicks do with cherry stems. Hahah!
I am on the 'no Sony' list with Stuff4Sale above. 8+ years ago, I finally just put a stop to the bleeding. I had 4-5 products in a 2-year span that either arrived dead out of the box, or bit it in the first month of ownership. All new products. The poor craftsmanship and QC on top of their horrible CS permanently put them on the 'never again' list.
Shiny stainless steel finishes that enshrine fingerprints, and smeary attempts to remove them, forever.
Sony product failure is something I don't personally have much experience with, but I've heard about it from friends. None of them are audiophiles, and their Sony stuff always breaking was mass consumer Best Buy or Good Guys items.

Am I wrong to assume that this wouldn't be the case for something like an SCD-1 or the like? I don't think I've ever seen posts regarding high end Sony stuff taking regular dumps. Heheh.
"Once you get the hang of it??" Sounds like something the hang-man says to his next victim.