
Ok here's my Dilemma, I have a HK Citation II (fully restored) Power amp, a Minmax preamp, A Pioneer elite DVD using a California Audio Lab Sigma II dac, Now have a pair of Thiels 1.2's and just picked up a new pair of MMG Magies. Both these speakers want more power than the HK gives.
I could get a (SAE 502 300 into 4 ohms) or a pair of Kavent P-1100 Mono Blocks. That is better in the power end or should I get speakers better suited for the HK ? what's your thoughs
SORRY ! If I took that the wrong way .

Maybe I just keep it all and get some more stuff, But you know the wife is right on the EDGE of killing me.
no i was not mocking the hk at all. just trying to be funny. i forgot how serious the audiogon can be sometimes. have not heard a citation before but im sure its a sweet unit. are hk's build quality as good as scott and fisher?

only reason i don't really care for hk stuff now is i read sydney harmons book last summer and sydney is dead set on digital and surround stuff. hates tube stuff. at least that is the impression i got from reading the book. can't remember what the book was called but it was pretty good.
The problem with the HK is to many of them are too old and need to be restored to fully realize what the are. Also a lot like a SS amp without all the bad things. if you want that real tubie sound this is not the one.

I like it better than the scott and fisher stuff. Easier to work on and so easy to fine tune + more power
Well what I finally did was sell both set's of speakers and bought a fully restored/upgraded pair of AR 9's . I also bought a pair of Meitner 101 Mono Blocks. Thank god I kept the HK Citation II. I tried the mono blocks that have such great reviews but they do not even come close to the HK. They a very tight low end but way to hard on the ears in the mids. So I tried Bi-amping the AR's, HK on top and the monos feeding the lows. WOW now that;s the ticket !
Just for record the AR's are quite easy to drive with the HK alone. Very suprising for a speaker of it size.
Now we are talking turkey. What parts were restored / upgraded on the 9's? I'm very familiar with the 9's and am interested to see what someone else did to theirs. Most folks that have them are afraid to really go to town on them, yet the speakers are capable of SOOOO much more with just some simple tweaks. They continue to improve as one gets more complex in the mods too : ) Sean