CES 2004 Best of Show

Everyone out there who were lucky enough to go to CES this please enlighten the poor souls who didn't with their top 3 in best of sound. I'd love to know what everyone thought about the show and theit top three sounds they heard.
Mantra speakers and their associated equipment was clearly the best sound. The ESPs in Wavac with the really big 833s was awesome but too expensive. The TADs were great if you just want to be impressed and not listen to music.
The mention of th eJoule/Joseph room was of interest to me because several folks last year thought the Herron/Joseph room was their favorite. Anyone hear the Herron room? Were they paired with Joseph again?
I was curious if any were able to get the chance to hear the Meadowlark Audio Nighthawks paired with Rogue monoblocks at the show?
I did. Very good sound. I've always wanted to like Meadowlarks, but never have. These I liked.
I may be mixing and matching with THE Show, but the consensus in my group of the rooms we heard was
- Walker Audio with the Proscenium feeding Viva monoblocks driving Zingali speakers. One of the gang descibed it as sounding like 'sex' - he doesn't get out enough ;-)
- Cabasse with Audio Research front end and electronics
- Rethm (I'll put this in because everyone else really liked them, me somewhat less so)
- Innersound (as long as you keep your head in the sweet spot vise)

We start diverging from there, but I liked
- Avalon Eidolon Diamonds driven by Ayre gear
- Vandy 5A's with Audio Research up front
- Ref 3A Royal Virtuoso driven by very inexpensive gear (The whole darn room costs less than some of the source components being displayed, and sounded great)

Can't recall all the details, but also recall liking:
- Cain & Cain with Art Audio
- VonSchweikert VR4-Jr
- Thiphi inexpensive dimunitive HT setup with the processor built in to the center channel, just plug in a DVD and go.