Re Tubing Audio Research VT200

Does anyone have details about (or experiences) retubing a VT200. ARC tubes vs. any other sources. Any info is welcome, good or bad experiences. Thanks for your input.
Hi Paul,
I see your disclaimer- what NOS 6922's do you have? I put Amperex Large Logo Bugle Boy's in my PH3SE and they just blew away the stock Sovtek. I was not real excited about it until I made that change. Of course ARC has to deal with what is available on the market, and they charge an increadable amount for them. Did you deal with ARC and the 6550's? Thanks
If you will be retubing power tubes try TungSols 6550 from current production instead of stock Svetlanas. Those tubes take your VT200 to a whole new level. I had them in my ARC VT100MKII and I regret that I changed the tubes so late.
Thanks for your suggestion. I assume you never had any problems with the Tung Sol tubes in your VT100 MKII. I will keep your suggestion in mind, Thanks Dave
My VT200 has been retubed with EH KT88 and EH 6922
No problem detected so far (more than 500 Hours of use)
This choice has been done because the KT88 looks more reliable than 6550
When I had my VT200 I bought non ARC SED 6550's from a well known Canadian tube seller and found the pin diameter was slightly smaller than the ARC SED tubes. I had one arc, and it cost me $500 shipping plus repairs to send it back and forth with ARC. ARC does extensive burn in and matching on their tubes.
I did use the new issue Tungsols in a VT100 mk2 and found them reliable and good sounding. I also used SED KT88's in that amp without a problem.
The problem as you probably know with the VT200 is the HUGE power supply, which even though a dual mono design takes all the current from both channels through an arc'd tube, taking out a resistor and some traces. They make them that way for the best sound quality, but it is perilous to use questionable tubes.