Blind Listening Evaluation

After reading so much, I was wondering whether or not any one out there making their evaluation based on blind listening experiences before any of the tested equipments were disclosed.
I'd like to refer you to the thread "Blind Listening Tests ???" is is not only hilariously funny in part,it will also make your hair stand on end and probably aptly answer your question. I am sure, you will not be disappointed.
If you're blind;you can listen. Or:/you could invite Ray Charles/for double blind testing/also invite Steve Wonder/If you are hardcore on this: tripple blind testing/ go with the 3 blind mice. Sighted people with blindfolds: optional
The primary use of objective blind tests (e.g., ABX) is to determine whether two units can be distinguished by sound alone. That's usually not the question consumers are concerned about, and besides, performing such a test correctly is not trivial. More informal blind A/B comparisons can eliminate biases about certain products or brands, but they don't eliminate all biases. (For example, you have a built-in bias toward assuming that any two units will sound different, which is why listeners sometimes insist that identical units sound different.) So while blind tests are a good idea, and could tell us a lot about our hearing and about the components we listen to, they aren't terribly practical or useful to individual consumers. (Audio salons, if they chose, could offer them, but they have profound economic reasons for not doing so.)
I wonder if "identical" units sound the same considering the variables involved with parts (quality and calibration) as well as workmanship.
Dekay: Fair question; no two units ever measure identically, for example. But barring construction flaws, units tend to measure within very tight tolerances. (Speakers can be an exception, but nobody ABX's speakers.) If so, and if they cannot be distinguished in an objective (e.g., ABX) test, they would qualify as "identical" in my book. And if a company were putting out a product that sounded different from unit to unit, why on earth would you buy it?