Anyone heard Svetlana KT-88s?

I'm told they sound pretty good and are reasonable in price. I'm interested in them because Gold Lion or Mullard NOS are getting out of sight. Anyone heard Yugo KT-90s?
Wow, finally some responses! Can someone comment on the bass of the Svetlana KT-88? I love the treble and midrange of my EL-34s but the bass is too fat (I like the bass of the 6550C much better). Does the KT-88 combine the best of both?
Khrys, The bass of Svetlana KT88 is way better than my former Svet- lana 6550C and more power too which produces clearer, bigger and cleaner bass. I cannot compare my Svetlana KT 88 with EL-34 because my Melos amp can only use either KT 88 or 6550 tubes. Also, my new Svetlana KT 88 is better than my former Tesla KT 88 and Sovtek KT 88 in bass, midrange and highs. Regards. Slore
To Trelja - To say a KT88 or 6550 is good or bad, either from the standpoint of sonics or durability, is too simple and just not true. There are good and better of each. And what is good changes. Take the Tesla whgich was supposed to be good, then wasn't, then fixed, then wasn't. You get the picture. The KT88 SHOULD spec out slightly better than a 6550, but that does not mean much. It's like a 8 cylinder engine should be larger in displacement and faster than a 6 cylinder. To simple an answer. Does not work.