Biwire or Jumpers: which is better?

A salesman recently told me that jumpers provide better sound that biwiring. The store is very upscale, all the usual hi end brands and prices. Any comments?
I find myself in a similar dilemma. I have been told both sides by reputable dealers. I have Linn amps which are specifically configured for multi-wiring, so perhaps to an extent it is equipment-dependent whether or not an improvement is wrought by bi or tri-wiring. Quality of cables and of course length of the runs come to mind as well. Good Luck.
I have a similiar situation: I was using the stock jumpers that came with my Alon Petites but switched to a double run of older AudioQuest Type 6 wire. The sound is much clearer, except that I can not get a focused sound stage. I have experimented with the phasing of the high and low inputs, but it just gets worse. There is a hole in the middle of the soundstage (nothing is centered). Any ideas???? Please help!!!
How far apart are your speakers. Try and bring them a little bit closer if your setup allows. Keep moving them closer until the hole in the middle vanishes. Also, make sure you are not out of phase on your amp side. Good Luck
I have used Vandersteen 2Ces, 3As, and 3A sig.-- all are specifically designed for biwiring, and the Vandersteen manual says if you can't afford to biwire when you first get the speakers, do it as soon as possible as it will yield a significant music improvement. I also talked to Richard Vandersteen by 'phone, and he said they had done extensive listening tests at their factory and concluded that biwiring was definitely superior on Vandersteen speakers. RV did not recommend any specific brand of cable, he just said "there are a lot of good ones; let your ears be the judge". I took this to mean that Vandersteen has no particular interest in selling speaker cables. I have always biwired the 'steens with excellent results. It seems to me that if a designer built them to be biwired, they should be biwired to realize the ful potential of the design (unless of course they were designed by a lousy designer, but R. Vandersteen is an excellent speaker designer, and I trust his word). Not all good speakers are designed to be biwired, eg I don't think thiel speakers are, and their excellent reputation speaks for itself.