What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
It's hard to kiss the lips at night that have been chewing my ass out all day long ... Vince Gill
And all the creatures
Born of ink and rage and lies
Run from my pen
And crawl across the page to die
Fascination is the germ of their disease
Degradation is the term of their release

By Bill Nelson of Be Bop Deluxe
Note the the rhymes are internal as well as terminal.

Good call. I've long been a Be-Bop DeLuxe fan, but never really thought much about the lyrics. I like Bill Nelson's songs and his guitar, but I've got to admit that that's a nice bit of wordsmithing you've identified.

If interesting rhyme schemes are your thing, check out Amelia Curran. The music's a very different bag, but she works the meter thing to within an inch of its life.

Amelia Curran? I'm writing that down. Yes, I'm crazy about rhyme schemes and metrical language. Can't wait to check her out.
