How much does your system retail for?

$23,000 - $24,000 I estimate. (Two channel, this does not include TV, VCR, etc.)

Please, keep the exagerations to a minumum, do not count CD's, equipment you have bought and sold, is packed away that you don't use anymore, etc..

Put the total first so it shows up at the begining of your post.

This is just for fun and curiosity of the diversity on here, don't take it to seriously. Simply evaluate what the retail value of your system is.
Ten years ago it was $100,000. The current system sounds much better in everyway than the high price one
Hi Ahendler,
What did you have in your $100k system? How about now for 1/10th the price?
It is very interesting to think about because ten years ago for $100k you could end up with some really kick-ass speakers like Watt/Puppies, and some serious amplification, and a killer front end turntable setup.

$50k for Cd / Dac/ Pre / Power / Speakers and Sub - I cant afford to even think about HT ! -- I take it there is a Lock Out System on this site to stop Wives / Partners coming on Audiogon and seeing these figures ! LOL.