What tattoo to get next?

Hi there,

I wanna get a tat that reflects my interest in music and/or all things audio. Probably get it done my left shoulder. I have several ideas already in mind..

- Cover of Elton John's "Live in Australia"
- Cover of Dire Straits "Brothers in Arms"
- Cover of Supertramp's "Even in the Quietest Moments"
- a Saxaphone
- An Oracle Delphi Mark V turntable (any help pointing me to pics on the web I can grab would be appreciated, didn't have much luck so far).

Anything else come to mind folks? Thanks, Jeff
I was also thinking of a W.E. 300b. Although non-'philes will think its a lightbulb! Hmm, maybe the making of a secret symbol;~). Not my cup a, but its your body (and they ARE making great advances w/laser surgery!
Get a tattoo of a butt. With a tattoo of a butt on it. On yer butt.


Tat's are great. some people like em, some people dont, if you like em then who cares what everyone else thinks?

I used to do tattoo's on the side while i was in the military. If ya bought me a case of beer, you would get inked. Did probably well over 100 tattoos.

I used my right leg to learn how to do it, covered my whole shin and part of my thigh. It is quite a kalidascope of designs, and all in all im real happy with my legwork.

I had a couple buddys do my shoulders one drunken night. Got the little Einsturzende Neubauten dude on my right arm, and some crap-job tribal on my left.
Know what though? I wont ever get em covered up, cause they dudes who did them were my good buddys, and i might not ever see them again, but i'll always have a piece of em on my shoulders.

Do make sure you want what you get though, and make sure you get what you want. Dont get it at the cheapest place, cause there is a reason it dont cost much. An extra couple hundred bucks will be well spent.

On the other hand, if you wanna come to denver and buy me a case of beer, ill give ya some ink, and to keep yer mind off the pain you we can jam out some music on my crappy rickity rig! That is pretty painful as it is!

how about a tatoo of Mark Levinson and Kim Catrall locked in embrace..........before the honeymoon ended
I can't recall the DVD title, but we just watched a collection of short documentary films. One of them was of a guy who was tatoo'd and pierced from head to toe with a bit of skin showing here and there. He was on his way to get the next ultimate form of body-art as a personal expression of his unique self. The meeting between him and the artist was clearly a secrative one, in a garage-like environment not unlike the hideout in Reservoir Dogs. Are you ready for the new form of body art folks? They guy paid him $500.00 in cash to do this.......anyone have a guess yet? Not branding, nor piercing, nor scarification.......uh-uh, no sir! This guy paid $500 to someone to shoot him! Yes, with a gun. He chose his left shoulder for the wound. Neither my wife nor I cared to watch it any further beyond finding out just what they were doing so I don't know how it turned out. Maybe you hard-core body art folks know more about this.....is it for real? If so, it's just about the stupidest form of 'self-expression' I've ever heard of....just behind that 70's performance artist Chris Burden (is that the correct name?) who had himself crucified to a Volkswagen Beetle. I think he also paid someone to shoot him as well, and filmed the whole thing. The shooting and the crucifying were two seperate events (I assume there was some recovery time between the two). Perhaps you could just put a PassLab X250 on a gold chain and call it a day! You'd sure build up those neck muscles dawg!

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