SEPT 11?

I thought I'd take a moment to see if fellow A'gonners had any special plans. For me it will be pretty much buisness as asual.

I intend to take a personal moment of silence however,
Hello Nrchy, which God are you referring to ? Catholic God, Christian God ? or Muslin God ? Etc... I know which God ask for blessing, do you ? And he/she is not a prostitute ! So please don't label him/her. Thanks.
9/11 was something that we should never, ever have to tolerate. This one hit home, and hit hard. Not only have innocent lives been lost, but we now find the freedom we took for granted compromised. A first foreign hit on American soil, yet so much has gone on around us that we all took as "part of the evening news". Innocent people have been slaughtered all over the world; Africa, the Middle East to name a few. Let's not internalize this too much, let's put this in perspective and consider the many wrongs going on in the world. The bigger question is, what will we all do to make planet Earth a better and more humane place to live? Peace, Jeff
I choose to remember how everyone came together (and continues to come together) to do the right thing.....
...some incredible things.......
6chac, God is not male or female, and there can only be one God. Since His own word uses masculine pronouns I feel no need to bend to the whims of political corectness. I'm not sure I understand your question because you obviously mistyped it.
Obviously, moderating this thread is having no effect. To Audiogon, please just let people say what they want to say. To everyone else, please refrain from finding fault with each other and arguing.

Of course, Nrchy, pray if you will for those who lost loved ones. I didnt mention them because everyone else does. I do pray for Divine guidance to somehow ameliorate the base instincts of the people currently in positions of power in this nation. But God help me, I am thankful I am not in a position to make decisions about what to do as a nation, and I am reluctant to criticize those who are, no matter how illegitmate their route to power. And no matter what I think of them, and no matter what they decide, I will support them.

I will support them because my country was attacked and they are in charge of responding. You say God is not a prostitute. I agree. God does not need public displays of obeisance. He certainly doesnt need for any nation or people or individual to use His name for their own selfish purposes. But I will tell you this, and the leader of my faith said it several years ago, the documents that underly our nation's system of government, the Declaration and the Constitution, have an aspect of providence to them. That is, even though some of the drafters were deists or atheists, God had a hand in the founding of this nation, the United States of America, a beacon of light and hope to the human race. Our leaders make mistakes abroad, do a lot of stupid things. But an attack on this nation, on its own soil, is simply evil.