McCormack DNA-1 Best Power Amplifier under 1000

I have never heard my Focus Audio 68 sound so good until I drive them with my new McCormack DNA-1 several weeks ago. This " working man " power amplifier really made the Mark Levinson & Krell a shame.
The BEST amp under a grand................................

Thank you guys for recommending the DNA-1 to me.
Also, thanks Steve McCormack for your time & valuable advice.
I listened to a lot of amps and always came back to McCormack. When I have some extra money I am considering Steve's upgrades. Have you or anyone else heard them?
Some of the other amps I auditioned Classe',Conrad Johnson (ss) Bryston, B&K, NAD, Adcom, Krell.
The only other amp that got me all fluttered was the Roger Modjeski MR-9 (couldn't find used). Louis
If you like the plain DNA-1 then at least try the Deluxe model if you don't go the SMC upgrade path. The Deluxe is significantly better.
And where did you find one for under 1000? I would love to have two to biamp. Louis