Your Dream Band

I listen mostly to jazz and I started thinking of all the artists I would like to see in one band. I would start with Jeff "tain" Watts on drums, Christian Mcbride on bass,Joe Lovano and Joshua Redman on sax,Russell Malone on guitar,Roy Hargrove and Branford Marsalis on horns and Cyrus Chestnut on piano. I might include Diana Krell on vocals. Well that's my dream band what about yours? BTW it does not have to be jazz. Good listening
OK here goes ... Kerry Minnear - Keyboards, Pat Metheny - Guitar , Victor Wooten - Bass, Bill Bruford - Drums, - Lennon/Mccartney - Vocals
Ok here goes, John McLaughlin, Robert Fripp, on guitars. Stanley Clarke on the bass. Carl Palmer on drums. Chick Corea on piano, keyboards. With Burton Cummings on vocals. I wonder how this bunch would get along with each other?
Ok, they don't all have to be alive, right? Perhaps Pagannini on Violin, Toots Thielman on Harmonica, Franz Liszt on piano, Bruford or Mike Portnoy on drums, Jeff Berlin on bass, Metheny on guitar, Fripp doing his Frippertronics/Soundscapes thing. Throw in Miles for sheer attitude...and he can play if he wants, too. Finally, on vocals, there was a guy who used to sing for the Italian prog rock group Area who could actually sing two different notes at once (really...heard it on their live record). If for nothing else but shock value, that would complete a rather wild ensemble.