Tired of same ol' CD'd...

Looking for some new music (don't listen rock) preferably World music, like genuine Celtic, Irish...Spanish, Middle eastern..whatever interesting...I will print, the suggestions out, and go shopping! Thanks!
I don't know about the rest of you out there but Enya and running water really doesn't do much for me...except put me to sleep. If you are looking for something new and different here are my recommendations worth checking out. Allan Holdsworth (Wardenclyffe Tower), Tribal Tech (Thick), Trilok Gurtu (Believe), Steve Tavaglione (Blue Tav), The Zawinul Syndicate (Lost Tribes), Gregg Bissonette (Submarine), Buell Neidlinger Quartet (Big Drum), The Randy Waldman Trio (Wigged Out), Jack DeJohnette (Oneness), and of course Frank Zappa (The Yellow Shark/Ensemble Modern, Joe Garage, etc.) Happy Listening...
Check out MAPLESHADE.Lots of interesting stuff.Great CD,s and nice sound.also you might want to check out some LATIN Jazz.
If you don't already have it....get the "Chesky 10th Anniversary Special," it has a great mix of various sounds and is well recorded, (see their website.) Also, the soundtrack to "Waking Ned Devine" by Shawn Davey is a lot of fun. (Highly recommend the flick as well.) Have you ever tried Lyle Lovett? If not, maybe start with "Joshua Judges Ruth" and "Lyle Lovett and his Large Band." He defies catagorization and I think you will really like some of the cuts, they are amazingly well recorded and available on LP also. I second the Mapleshade recommendation!
Mouth Music. Either of their first two cds. Third cd is too commercial. Great Afro-Celtic music and vocals. Also Dr. Didg, outback didgeridoo world music. Ali Farka Toure with Ry Cooder. Lorenna McKinnett, Mask and Mirror. Bang on a Can, percussion ensemle, very different and great sound.
Also check Chesky label for Rebecca Pidgeon's "Four Marys." It is pretty much all traditional Celtic....a Scot singing Irish melodies. It is also 96/24 if your DAC will allow it.