METALLICA!!!! No one will disagree,will they? This band just never stops getting better.Load,Re-load all classics.The B.O.C.cover of Astronomy off of Garage for sure one of the meanest,heaviest songs EVER! Metallica RULES!!!
I can still remember the first time I heard a Metallica song...I was in college, meeting some friends in the cafeteria for lunch, and I was NOT into heavy metal at all. The cafeteria had the school's radio station on, and the DJ put on 'Master of Puppets'...I was blown felt like i didn't move for the duration of the song. The instrumental in the middle of the song hooked me. I just remember thinking "This is MUSIC!!!" Other bands have been harder, maybe had some songs that I preferred later down the road, but for consistency, and for bringing 'classical' style structure and Beethoven like power to metal, you've got to tip your hat to Metallica as the guys who really made metal accessable to average joe's, like me.
Metallica was "speed metal", and now they're just a glam band, full of hubris. Just one man's opinion, that's all...I like Spinal Tap's "Break Like the Wind". "Bitch School" is pretty good. I'm still trying to enroll some of mine there...makes 'em more eager to get turned out...I gots to get some mo money, for that solid titanium listening room I'm designing...
Acid Bath!!!!! Is the best heavy metal band of all time. If you haven't heard them----then check 'em out!!!!!
KKirkpa,Which Sabbath do you like the best? I agree they are great but I have had trouble with muddy sounding recordings on the vinyl I have heard.I had some older CDs of theirs that sounded bad too.