Best Audiophile recordings

This is for everyone whom is a fan of hi end audio. Without the right reference recordings we would all have to pack it in! Please list below your favourite audiophile labels, artists, .... So that others may share and expand on their musical horizons. Please post if your referring to analague or digital formats.
I like Rock, Classical, and Jazz in that order. That said, the best recordings worth owning are the reissues on vinyl from Classic Records and Analogue Productions, pressed by RTI. The Decca, EMI, and Speaker's Corner reissues are very close also. IF YOU DON'T OWN ANY OF THESE, YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME IN AUDIO!!! A few of the JVC XRCD titles are fabulous also. CAN ANYONE UNDERSTAND WHAT THE YOUNG WOMAN IS SAYING AT 5 MINUTES INTO TRACK 4 OF "SUNDAY AT THE VILLAGE VANGUARD? My CD player/system has the resolution to resolve most of the conversation in the audience thru this track...NOT THAT THAT'S MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE MUSICIANS, it's just a good test of low level resolution. REFERENCE RECORDINGS are fine, but string tone is always a little edgy, whether on vinyl or CD, but their dynamics and bass are the best CD has to offer, assuming you can decode HDCD. MOST OF THIS SHOULD BE COMMON KNOWLEDGE TO ALL BUT THE MOST EXTREME NEOPHYTES OUT THERE, ANYWAY...Happy listening!
Here are a few good CD's & labels that I can think of: Rebecca Pigeon. The Raven. Patricia Barber. Modern cool. Willie & lobo. Fandango nights. Strunz ande farrah. Heat of the sun. Dead can Dance. Into the labrinth. Sara K. Hobo. Certian labels I prefer: Chesky, Mobile fidelity, Sheiffield lab, American Gramaphone, Premonition Records, Naim, Reference Recordings, Blue Note, & Mesa to name a few. If you need any information regarding these named titles or classifcations feel free to e mail me. PS Please send me your list of excellent recordings.
dave brubeck time out 180 gram, 33...this is absolutely the finest sound from vinyl I have heard ever, I do not know what the 45's might sound like. there are others but no time to add
Have you ever heard Mark Eitzel's "60 Watt Silver Lining"? It's a normal CD (although a vinyl pressing is about to be released), but the sound is outstanding. One of the few CD's I can play after Modern Cool.
There are numerous fine recordings out there, of course.Rather than list several, I'll offer my opinion on the best red book CD I've encountered. It is the Telarc release of the Atlanta Symphony perfoming Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. (Levy conducting). Ser # CD-80266. This disk combines one of the finest conductors leading a top-rank symphony in a near-flawless (IMHO) interpretation of a stunning, perhaps even brilliant,(again IMHO) work. From delicate woodwind solos to thundering kettle drums (and practically everything in between) the dynamic range requirements will reveal any system shortcomings by the end of the second movement. Excellent audition disk for high end shopping, plus a sheer joy in pure listening.