What Patty Smith album to own?

New to Patty, and want to get a couple of albums. What album does every Patty Smith fan have? Or should have? thanks in advance. peace, warren
Warren, what is "uni" ???

I like Patti even though i don't agree with her politics. Then again, it would seem that her point of view on God and "religion" have changed over the years, so who's to say that she'll remain where she's at politically. Maybe the drugs are finally wearing off.... Sean
Politics are not the deal. Is she good with HER GOD? Uni?-- raw sea urchin eggs. A delicacy for sushi fanatics. A texture that, at first, is VERY hard to deal with...don't eat sushi, huh? peace, warren
I'll go with Horses and Easter, in that order as albums, but Trampin has some very good cuts.

You would want to avoid the pouueetry/spoken word junk on her albums, in my opinion. Some albums have more of it than others....
"You would want to avoid the pouueetry/spoken word junk on her albums, in my opinion"

A massive part of what Patti Smith is about imho.