Dead Can Dance's Into the Labyrinth

Anybody on this one? Just picked it up, after hearing Srajan, from 6moons, talking on Audio Asylum, about this cd he heard at the CES Show in Las Vegas. Actually, what I'm interested in is Dead Can Dance. Other cds. Background. Whatever. thanks in advance. peace, warren
Hey Albert, have you checked out the Dead Can Dance tribute album, "The Carnival Within"? It has some very nice moments. It's on Cleopatra Records (CLP 0131) and came out in 1998.
And here is another tribute to DCD, a 2 cd package from Greece on Black Lotus Records, from the Projekt Store titled 'The Lotus Eaters'.
Albert: Thanks for the good DCD history and the heads-up on "This Mortal Coil, It'll End In Tears". I always enjoy your posts!

I have several of DCD's CD's, and enjoy them very much, but after recently jumping back into the wonderful world of vinyl, the little silver disc's are gathering dust.

Consequently, for the last 2-3 months I've been on a LP vinyl buying spree of major proportions, adding to the record collection I had mothballed over two decades ago.

In any case I found a copy of "This Mortal Coil, It'll End In Tears" on for a reasonable price. BTW, if anyone else is interested, a copy from another highly rated seller was available the last time I looked. In fact, since both copies were within a few cents of each other and the seller’s were similarly rated, I had a hard time choosing, and ended up buying from the gentleman closest to me (adjacent state).
This Mortal Coil-Filligree and Shawdows

This Mortal Coil-Blood

Lonely Is A Eyesore

Dead Can Dance-A Passage In Time

Lisa Gerrard-The Mirror Pool

Lisa Gerrard-Duality

His Name Is Alive-Livonia