van morrison's best sounding album?

a friend is a van idiot and insists i need to listen to more morrison. but when i ask her where to start she can't pick between any of his gazillion recordings. any ideas?
Just try one that has some music of his you're familiar with. Once you play it you'll want more! You cannot own just "one" Van. Yes, I'm a fan. One of the enduring talents of our time. Enjoy.
Any recommendation above is perfect.
And it's great to find out all this other Van's inconditional fans around Audiogon.

Van, keep those records coming!!
You can't go wrong with them all! I can only get into three male singer/songwriters and the first one on my list is Van the Man. The other two are Bruce Cockburn and Mark Knopfler (BTW, his new cd "Shangri-La" is great)
I've got a Blind Pig release CD, 'Live in Montreaux' that's not to be missed, great performance & sound quality, if you can find it. I'm a stone cold Van fan, & own 'em all. Don't forget about 'Sense of Wonder' or 'No Guru, no method, no teacher' either.

Not to be missed is Ray Charles & Van doing 'Crazy love' on "genius loves company" (2004), god rest his soul.