van morrison's best sounding album?

a friend is a van idiot and insists i need to listen to more morrison. but when i ask her where to start she can't pick between any of his gazillion recordings. any ideas?
"Astral Weeks" will be in my coffin, in the hopes that I will be granted access to in the afterlife.
That is one album that I cannot do without. Hope you enjoy it!
Van has gone thru many phases. The early works showed his distain of the music business and sometimes his love life. They were at times a bit dark one might say.
Then the mystic or somewhat "religious " period.
I would start with his latest offerings. They seem to be based on just plain great music. The live recording of his San Fran.concert is very good.
The newer recordings have much better sound of course. An added bonus.
"Whats wrong with this picture",a recent piece, will show his incredable versatility.
Whatever you try you may become a fan.