Eerie, Ethereal, Moody, Involving Soundtracks

I'm looking for more of the REAL GOOD, maybe unheard-of stuff.
Really got hooked on Asche & Spencer's *Monster's Ball*, along with some tunes from *Dead Man Walking*, *Johnny Handsome*, etc.
Music that completely takes you into a far-away galaxy, lets you concentrate on loneliness, yet ................. you want to crank the volume way-up and dwell within it.
I'll second both "Blade Runner" and "The Mission" Will also add the soundtrack to "Baraka" and "Grand Canyon" and "More" (Pink Floyd)
OK, this may be more mainstream but the soundtrack to "Gladiator" certainly conveys loneliness and can be otherwordly at times. I like it anyway. If you like the Bladerunner ST you should check out some other works by Vangelis like "Opera Sauvage". Also, while not a soundtrack per se, the group Enigma's works have been used in many a theatrical trailer!
The Last Temptation of Christ

A not-so-good movie with an AMAZING soundtrack.
Music that is easy for me to get lost in.

By Peter Gabriel (He did Last Temptation)

And "Long Walk Home" from "The Rabbit Proof Fence"

All his soundtracks are excellent.

I also love "Snowgoose" by Camel

Although not soundtracks, I would recommend the work of Sigour Ros

Also a piece called "Symphonic Holocaust" by Morte Macabre which is works based on Horror Film Soundtracks.

You may also be interested in the more etheral works of Steve Wilson, primarily his work with the band Porcupine Tree - "The Sky Moves Sideways" (very Floydian) and "Recordings"

Batman,the score not the soundtrack,Hannibal.When available always look for scores not the soundtracks.