Your favorite but unknown

I know there are probably a good sized music collection that is shared by a lot of us here, but there must be some favorites that some of us have that no one else knows exists. Thus the question:

What is the one unknown LP, CD, 8-track in your collection that is indispensible, but that no one else knows about?

My favorite unknown (by most people anyway) would be Steve Taylor's LP "I Predict, 1990."

It is so good, but I doubt that more than a handfull (and I have big hands) of us on AudiogoN have ever heard of it. It contains lots of tongue-in-cheek humor, insightful lyrics, pot-shots at some well known and maybe respected institutions, all wrapped up in a good recording.

Now what are yours?
Camel: Moonmadness (vinyl). Mid 70's progressive rock featuring the keyboards of Peter Bardens and the melodic guitar of Andy Latimer. One of the best progressive rock albums of all time.....but which came out at a time when short FM pop tunes had taken over the airways.
Aside from my wife's music (you can find in japan or at times on Amazon in America) [ search on Nami Sagara or Eccentric Opera), I love:

Iva Bittova (her first one) with Pavel Fajt (RERE 117 mcd) There is no title to this cd.

at least this is the way I feel today. I have over 2,000 cds and will never part with about a hundred of them.
Richingoth -- like your recommendations very much. If you like Nina hagen and lene Lovitch, do absolutely search for The Eccentric Opera from Japan.

I do not know the three cds (LPs) you have not played for 25 years...i will be happy to buy them...if you want to, please email me separately. I will look for them at amoeba records in san francisco anyways....bibibi