Beatles - Vinyl LPs

Getting back into vinyl a little and looking to replace my old, beat up Beatles albums. Looking for recommendations for good, quality Beatles recordings ie mfsl, toshiba-emi, etc. Thanks.
Thanks for all of your replies. Looks like Japanese EMI-Odeon is the preference, followed by MFSL, Parlophone, and Japanese Apple. Of course, all of the albums I have now are Capital. (except one MFSL Abbey Road). This at least gives me a place to start. If anyone has a particular favorite album catalog number, send it along. There are still way too many on Ebay to sift through. Thanks again,
I've got a Sgt. Pepper's MSFL in excellent condition that needs another home. My analog system isn't up to the standards to do this pressing justice.

Here is one of my favourite music sites, perhaps you've been there? For excellent music forums check out

You'll find lots of Beatles info and perhaps meet some relly cool people!
The new Beatles LP's are digital remasters.
The Steve Hoffman site is great also.
