Anyone still do insightful or intelligent lyrics?

I have always loved lyrics as much as music and think that music I enjoy must be a combination of both good lyrics and good musicianship. I love some of Paul Simon's lyrics from as far back as the '60's. He was only 16 when he wrote "Sounds of Silence." There are dozens of other examples from Simon and Garfunkel.

Lyle Lovett has written some great lyrics i.e. "Simlpe Song."

Bob Seger, Jackson Browne, Hoyt Axton, John and Paul, Mick and Richard, Emmylou Harris, Gordon Lightfoot, and even Midge Ure have written things that impressed me, but I find very few people writing great lyrics anymore!

Is anyone writing intelligent, insightful lyrics anymore?
I agree with many of the previous posts. Amy Mann and Ryan Adams are two of my favorites. Heartbreaker by Adams and Bachelor Number Two by Mann are, in my opinion, classic albums. I would add Jay Farrar to the list. His work with Uncle Tupelo, particularly the March 16-22 album with former bandmate Jeff Tweedy, is very good. I prefer his first two Son Volt albums, Trace and Straightaways, to his great work in Tupelo. A great songwriter.
I'm a big fan of lyrics. I don't know about qualifying that with the word "intelligent" as there are some really silly lyrics I enjoy.....I guess those are also really witty as well, so "intelligence" does come into play there.

In no particular order here are a few I enjoy for one reason or another:

Tom Waits (a master of the word!)
Tori Amos
Gillian Welch
Tresspassers William
Patty Griffin
Rickie Lee Jones
Joni Mitchell
Dar Williams
Laurie Anderson
Patricial Barber
Jim White
Patti Smith
16 Horsepower

Just yesterday was enjoying some pretty fresh new music from a group called "Bright Eyes". Not for everyone (and VERY polarizing in that respect I'd bet), but the lyrics were great. The album is called "Lifted or The Story is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground ". Again, not an overall recommendation, but appropriate to this thread IMO.

Narchy and all:
You can check out a couple tracks ofChris Smither here. A little like the folks you mentioned. Blues-folk in lighting Hopkins-John Hurt line. Pretty decent writer and a great live show if you ever get the chance.

I remain,
In general I don't listen to lyrics, because for me the music is where it's at.

"Institutionalized" by Suicidal Tendencies on the other hand is an entirely different story. The words to that song are unforgettable...that is, if you can decipher them.