Which Beethoven's symphony do you like the best?

And Why?

I have asked this question to many. The answer is always inconclusive. So I think I will try this here. Thank you in advance for responding.

Also, it would be interesting to know which composition do you like the best?
I will not criticize(in the larger sense of the term)any symphonies in this post but point out my subjective opinions.

Beethoven's best work was his last five string quartets.

Mozart's best work was his Vienna era piano concertos.

Bach's best work was The Musical Offering and The Art of Fugue.

Just my three cents,up a penny from two cents.
Having 15 complete cycle recordings and attended (Carnegie Hall, New York) 2 complete cycle performances of Beethoven’s symphonies, I am still amazed by every single note in his symphonies he wrote more than 170 years ago. Yes, Mozart is great. No one will confront that fact. Has anyone disputed Bach’s greatness? Beethoven’s symphonies being “overplayed” or “overrated” is not related to the qualities of these symphonies themselves, it is a consensus issue. As a statistician myself, how can I question the choices of billions of people in the past 170 years? Bruckner’s and Mahler’s symphonies are being heard in my life more recurrently than Beethoven’s but I still deeply admire Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, op. 125. IT IS IMMORTAL, in my very humble opinion. It comforts wounded souls, projects the Utopia where we human beings finally can live peacefully. So we can cease debating the greatness of Mozart and Beethoven

Also 2nd movement of Symphony No.3, 4th movement of Symphony No. 4, 1st movement of Symphony No.5, 2nd movement of Symphony No.6, 4th movement of Symphony No. 7 and 1st movement of Symphony No. 8 are my favorite fragments of these symphonies if I have the courage to separate them from whole compositions.

Happy Listening.

Yes, who can forget the opening of Beethoven's 5th and the ending of 9th. It is like a laster printer print into my head since I was a kid first time listening to it. So strong and I can't forget it. The passion is not only strong but also very deep, so I like them even more after growing up. Several B's piano sonata also impress me so much that it is a joyful lifetime memory. There are also other work here and there which are great(e.g. concerto 5th and some violin works....). Mozart, Bach, Mahler Chopin..... are all great composers too. Every one has his own strength. However, when I saw people stating "Beethoven's symphonies are overrated", I have to step out to express my love to his work. Many people can hum the melody from the complex Beethoven symphony. And how many of them remember any melody from "Jupiter"(I may even spell it wrong)? Ask a kid to hum a symphony, and see if you hear a Beethoven or someone else.
Mozart was the greatest musical genius that ever lived. You might, or not like his work, but fact stands. Beethoven was great, but was depressed most of his life for not "being" Mozart. I love them all, and we are unfortunate there hasn't been one contemporary with 100/th talent of any of the Classical guys. Jazz folks? Do not even go there.
Evidently one cannot make any criticism of Beethoven in this company without being acused of being ignorant. For what it's worth, my appreciation of classical music, including Beethoven, dates from about 1948 when I attended a musically oriented boarding school in New Zealand, and it has continued ever since. I may disagree with you, but not because I am ignorant. Perhaps I've heard that 9th too many times. Does anyone else have the feeling that the choral part begins well but goes nowhere?