Recommendations please!
Cpdunn, I find the Linday's unconvincing and out of tune. I hate to say it, but they sound like students to me. Much like the Chillingarians of late- who were good at one time.
Buxter, I agree!! I was waiting for someone to say so! I can't stand them, and Peter Cropper's sniffing is enough to drive me off a cliff.
I'm surprised noone has mentioned the Emerson String Quartet.

Their complete quartets is fantastic. The late quartets are impeccable and exciting.

I would certainly agree that anyone interested in this music should listen to the Busch and also to Quartetto Italiano.
Ah, yes, Dan....too bad some of these "vintage" (makes me feel old!) recordings have been relegated to the dustbin. The Quartetto Italiano was always one of my favorites. Have a lot of their stuff on vinyl, thankfully.