Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits

is one of my all time favorite CDs. Does anyone here in Audiogon also enjoys this CD and knows of any similar CDs you can recommend me? Thanks.
Eagle Eye Cherry has a great sound (to his music) and they are recorded very well.

Also check out Alana Davis, Anika Moa and David Gray.

Hope you enjoy.

You should try the other Dire Straits albums. They are actually much better.

I would also recommend to you Peter Gabriel' "so" the Door's Greatest hits. You should also like the Dido album and the Counting Crows- August and Everything After, but not any of the other CC. If you like pop, try "irresistable bliss" by Soul Coughing, then try the other SC albums. It is unreal they are not more popular.

- just trying to help.
If you like Knopfler's guitar and want to be blown away by two virtuosos on one recording, try Neck and Neck with Knopfler and Chet Atkins, as Egoss has mentioned....GOOD STUFF. BTW, it is available on LP too, if you look. I found one on a Spanish pressing that is excellent.
Knopfler's "Sailing To Philadelphia" would be the first CD that comes to mind. It may be superior from beginning to end. Again, the XRCD2 version of "Brothers In Arms" is the reference version.