What is the best value you have encountered?

Want to gain knowlege from years past. What items can be found used and represent a good value in terms of bang for your buck. For instance I have Polk Ls 50 speakers that I got for $125 dollars and could have had a set of DCM Timewindows for the same money. Everything I read says that the DCM's still hold thier own in terms of performance for the dollar spent. I want to know what items out there perform way above their price point.
I just purchased a set of vandersteen 1b speakers for $144.00
That is my best value purchase to date.
In all seriousness acoustic reasearch cables for $14. were nearly as good as my bottom end harmonic tech's. River cable. The racket balls I use for isolation. Groove Tube Mullard reissues. Audio Experience. Marantz MA 500's. The old NAD Power Envelope Integrateds which can be had for about $80 now. This in absolute bargain basement terms, not in the OMG this was an f'ing steal sense... Then we would be into tube amps and carbon fiber tone arms, and pretty soon you're convincing yourself five grand is reasonable.
I remember being angry at Cable Co when I first tried the Museaus speaker cable. It just sounded so much better and more expensive than the other stuff in my price range, I thought CC stuck an expensive one in there to make me jump my price point. I was amazed when I found out the price later.

Now that I'm using the PA Musaeus Speaker cables and IC's, it's really made my setup sing. Don't tell Cable Co though, they might get wise and slip a pair of Venustas in my bag next time and really screw me up. ;)
At an impressionable age,I was exposed to my father's Heathkits. They were outstanding values.

I prefer panels(Maggies)to boxes, but for boxes,the Madisound stuff is a good value for money spent.

AVA's Omega Star line pieces are roughly half the prices of their fet/valve pieces. The fet/valve stuff is unquestionably better;I question if it is twice as good for twice the money. The Omega Stars' build quality is Demingesque,the parts quality is excellent,and a good value for money spent.