Anybody else bothered by $8call.00

These dealers spamming with these arbitrary prices expecting people to call in and haggle really bug me.

Is it just me?
Oh, Nutella, you don't even know...I was just getting started! In the forum threads, why are there so many queries that start out something like; "What's the best ___________?" and then don't list any of the rest of their system, their price range, nor their musical preferences!?! But what really gets me hockin' up bloody loogies is those brilliant myopic responses to such non-specific queries that offer up such pearls of wisdom like where the complete answer is: "RenownAudio Aural Holograph IIIa." Or even the more 'polite' version; "I'd suggest you check out the RenownAudio Aural Holograph IIIa. (usually followed by some glowing reports of the second coming of Christ embodied in an audio component), still completely ignoring all the missing information like it didn't matter. I guess RenownAudio got it works for everyone, in every system, and with every musical preference in virtually any room size! Even when such queries are specific enough it is often comical when the responses start to pile up and every single one names a different component, yet none really takes the time to say anythiing at all about them, or why they are specifically recommending them to the person asking. Just the kind of information anyone needs to make an informed decision based upon anonymous heresay. Hang on, I gotta pop one of these PeptoBismol tabs before I go on here...OK, I'm back. Oh, and the one that really raises the hairs on the back of my neck and gets my rectal cavity itching, are those arrogant pri cks who find the need to qualify the price of some component by making some blatant comment specifically to indicate how that particular amount fits into their personal income category. I read one recently that went something like; "...I know that $12K is not a lot for a turntable, but it's all I can afford right now, so can anyone point me in the right direction?" It is particuarly annoying when the geek is ready to drop 1/3 of the anual income of the average individual American citizen after taxes on a record player! I really shouldn't be here! I'm gonna' need some more therapy and get back on my medication. Got'ta chunder now and then get back to the music!

You must have been looking at the classifieds for Pass Labs amps. Well anyway I just was and there is a bunch of that $$foryou junk there.
It should be in the dealer's section eh?
I tend to ignore them as well. However, if it is for a product that I am interested in, there is no harm in sending an email. A listed price would be preferable.
As has been stated, a dealer can NOT advertise below a certain price point because it violates their dealer agreements.

There isn't a single product I sell that doesn't have a MAP (minimum advertised price). As a dealer, you are stuck. Would you all be complaining about people advertising MSRP?

Unless you're paying the fees to be considered a full blown advertising dealer, you can't post ads as dealer demos. Your ads, which are more expensive than a private seller, get grouped in with the private sale ads. No special section.

A slight correction: Von Schweikert is NOT allowed to be advertised here on Audiogon anymore. They are also a local, in store purchase line and require special permission on a case by case basis for the dealer to sell outside their local area. If a dealer is running an ad for a Von Schweikert product here on Audiogon, they are in violation of their dealer agreements and will be terminated as a dealer.

It's too bad that the ads bother you guys so much. For some dealers, this is a means of advertising their business outside their local area. For those people who don't have a local dealer for that product line, this is your opportunity to find out about great dealers who can save you a few dollars and provide the products you seek.