Final Labs Music-6 amp or First Watt F1 amp?

Has anybody a/b these two amps? To be used with Fostex 200a speaker, about 98db. Thank you for any response.
Bemopti123 I'm useing the Fi 2A3 amps. 3 watts.
You are going to love the F200A speakers. Let me know when you get the cabinets for them. Are they about the same size as mine?
Do you have enough power with 3 watts? I wonder. As to the other question, the Btines cabinets are transmission loaded and are about 47" tall, I believe a smidgen smaller than yours. Yours has a great thick front baffle and that coffin look that will sure bid goodbye to any shaking or rattling inside the cabinets. How do the F200s sound in comparison to other speakers? What is your set up like?
Hello guys. I'm presently building the Bob Brines version cabinet for the 200A. Great design and excellent instructions. The 200A is only 91db sensitive and I don't think 3 watts will do them justice. I'm planning to run mine with a 8-watt 300B SET or my 12-watt Scott, or a 35-watt Welborne St-70 or my MaC 1700 (40 watts). If it still need more power I have an Odyssey SS amp on stand by. Godspeed.