Preamp Recommendations Lamm, Ayre K-1x, BAT 31SE

Curent System:
Ayre V-5x amp
Levinson 390S CDP directly driving the Ayre
Dynaudio Contour 3.0 Speakers
Au24 speaker cables, Audience Power Cord, PS Audio P300 for CDP, Cardas Golden Cross XLR IC

As much as I like the transparency of the CDP directly driving the amp, the system is begging for a high quality preamp. I've never owned tube gear, but am interesting in trying a good one. I like what I have read about the Lamm LL2, the Ayre-1x, and the BAT 31SE. Of course there are so many other offerings from Hovland, Sonic Fronteirs, ARC, C-J, CAT, and so on.....

I listen to a lot of vocals (Joni Mitchell, Nora Jones, Lucinda Williams, Ella Fitzgerald) and simple jazz arrangements, and occasionaly rock (Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, dave mathews).

As lazy as it sounds, I also want/need a remote (which eliminates many). Also, for some perhaps stupid reason, I want it to handle XLR in/out since that's what I currently have.

Your thoughts and expereinces (especially Ayre or other good SS amp owners) GREATLY appreciated.
Hmmm... I guess Speakerdude will not be a useful partner in any further discussion. But then, I'm still working to decide how useful that last little diatribe was. It's kind of hard to get any more transparent to the sound of the amp than not having a preamp in the middle at all, which was the point of reference.
So speakerdude says all youre hearing is the limitations of your amp and source and Rushton says you can't get any more transparent to the sound of the amp by bypassing the preamp meaning all youre hearing is the source and the amp.

Nice work Rushton. You just made speakerdudes point for him. Rock on speakerdude!
wait a second - to quote my old friend, Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?" As the person who initiated the thread, I appreciate there are many opinions on gear, and that opinions clash frequently. I was interested in hearing what others had expereinced with the preamps I was/am considering. I did not throw out the Lamm b/c one guy did not like it, not did I go out and mmediately buy a BAT, Rowland or Audio Note pre b/c others loved them. This is a hobby boys, please treat it as such.

OK, enough of that s#&t. I'm auditioning an ARC LS25 MKII and Ayre K-1x (and hopefully a BAT 51SE) this weekend, and will report back.

SPEAKERDUDE, dont go away permanently.....
Im listening to an ARC LS25 MK II - I LOVE IT! I finally understand what all the fuss (tubes) is about: micro dynamics, notes that have a beginning, a middle and an end, the sweet, resonant tones within Lucinda Wiliams' voice. Yes!

I definitely could live with this. I'll listen to this thing a few days - then onto the BAT 31SE (I think the 51 is a bit out of my $ range).
upon further review, this quest is far from over. Now that Ive had a nice taste for what a good tube preamp would do in my stystem, its now time to check out a few GREAT tube preamps: VTL-7.5, VAC Renaissance, Atma-Sphere MP1, and the Audio Research Ref II. Lam L2 also an option, though I want a pre with balanced in and out, and the L2 only has balanced out....

Oh yeah, I also updated the speakers: gone are the Dynaudio Contour 3.0's, in are the Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage (well sort of, they are in transit)

more to come.