Levinson 33 Archaic????

While telling a Pro-Audio buddy about Big Levinson, Pass, and GamuT amps and this was his response....

That's funny how these archaic amps designs think there the best and most powerful. Its funny because every so called high end sight claims there the best. Crown makes an amp that that is 10,560 watts into .85 ohm. Eighty (80) 250watt output transistors. Final output of 150 volts at an amazing 180 amps. Now that's high voltage and high amperage. Show me a amp that can beat that?

I know all this power really doesn't have anything to do with how it sounds...I was a bit shocked....what can I say?

By the way, how are the pro amps able to produce so much power out of a 120V/15A line with so little energy storage?

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Dunno what amplification Brittney Spears uses, but apparently that rack pales in comparison to the sheer size and weight of her rack of harmonizers.
Did i just let a post slip by involving Brittney Spears and Racks without a less than civil remark?

i must be tired.
Actyally, the 33 is the best sounding, most neutral amp I have heard. I enjoy the sound of many great tube amps, but can't say that any are as neutral. The 33 seems to have less of a sonic signature than any amp I have heard, and it is significantly smoother and more relaxed than the 33h.
120V/15A=1800W. Add enough capacitance to the power supply and you can have brief instances of more power. Add a big trani and it will store some power in the the form of magnetic fields.

These are very short term and limited resources beyond the 1800W coming in. Given that linear (not switching class D) amps are usually 50%-75% efficient, the amp is limited to 900W-1300W max in ideal conditions for sustained power output. A 20A circuit improves this another 25%. A 220V/30A circuit might be able to help an amp produce a sustained 5000W into small loads, maybe (4000W is probably the real world limit). And all that assumes some fairly high mass Robust Heat sinking, and high current caps, because 4000W is cooking.

Measurements are only as good as the specifications for those measurements thmeselves. Given a brief enough measurement period, the power output could appear to be almost infinite into a short circuit.
His response reminds me of some of my non-audiophile buddies: When they want to "test drive" my stereo, they want me to turn it up as far as it will go! The first time I heard someone say that, I thought it was a joke but I have since met like 10 guys that way. Perhaps it is their age (late 20s) or perhaps they don't know how to appreciate finer things life has to offer. I think it is more of the latter, as witnessed by you Mike. Funny indeed but too bad for them!
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