Best Amp for 2000$ or lower. New or Used

Any recommendations.
I would recommend a used Plinius SA-100 MKIII. Great sounding amp especially in class A. They are quite plentiful between $1500 and $2000 used. I own one and am VERY happy with it. Also a Rowland Model 2. A Model 2 usually is a bit more expensive used $1800 to $2500 used. Drop dead GORGEOUS in appearance. I have one also and am VERY happy with it. It is for sale with a BPS 2. Of course preferences are subjective and your associated components will influence the equation. Good luck!
Get a BAT VK-200 for about $1650. Great powerful 100 W SS amp, runs very hot and is heavily biased. Best amp for the price range (probably with the Plinius) that I have seen.
There is a Threshold s450e for sale right now. I have had one for almost 10 years and it is a gem of an amp. If I could afford to have it as a back up, I would have snatched it the first time I saw it come up on Audiogon. A solid amp.

Disclaimer: Not related in an way to the person selling that amp.

I have a Plinius 8200 Mk I that i use in a second system and I love it! You can find one used for about a grand.